social impact

/Tag:social impact

The Highly Leveraged Philanthropic Dollar

Do you know that not all dollars that non-profits receive are equal?  In fact, where dollars in the social sector come from is actually quite important.  Private philanthropic dollars are unique and provide a distinctive opportunity for leverage when philanthropists take advance of this opportunity.

The majority of social sector activities are funded by two sources, […]

The Social Impact Side of Impact Investing

This morning, I went to a panel presentation on impact investing, and it was actually the fourth such panel put on by the financial services community I have been to over the last few months.  Given the obvious popularity of the topic, it is clear there is interest and a yearning from financial service providers […]

By |April 14th, 2015|Impact Investing|2 Comments

The Two Sides of Impact Investing

Impact Investing, Worth the Hype?

Impact Investing generates a lot of excitement within many sectors. Everyone from financial advisers and investors to community foundations, to philanthropists seem to me talking about it. JP Morgan estimates the potential of impact investing to be $400 billion to $1 trillion of the next ten years. That represents a lot […]

By |January 6th, 2015|Impact Investing|0 Comments