early childhood

/Tag:early childhood

Why Early Childhood Matters for Combating Poverty

While many people may believe that the early years of a child’s life reflect little of what the child will ultimately become and see the later years as more defining, in fact, the opposite is true. Early childhood is a time of critical importance in the development of a child. Over 90% of brain development […]

By |July 31st, 2018|High Impact Philanthropy, Poverty|121 Comments

Our Experience with the Social Innovation Forum

Over the past year, SmarterGive’s has worked with the Gisela B Hogan Foundation to develop a new strategy focused on early childhood. For our first grant in this new space we sponsored a track, “Addressing Adversity in Early Childhood” at Boston’s Social Innovation Forum, a local non-profit incubator and capacity builder.  Early childhood is a new […]