

Identifying High Impact Non-Profits


In the United States, there are more than 1.5 million registered non-profits. The number is overwhelming, and it means as a donor, you have to weed through a lot of organizations to determine where to give.   Most donors want to support high performing organizations, but it is difficult to assess the performance of an organization […]

The Highly Leveraged Philanthropic Dollar

Do you know that not all dollars that non-profits receive are equal?  In fact, where dollars in the social sector come from is actually quite important.  Private philanthropic dollars are unique and provide a distinctive opportunity for leverage when philanthropists take advance of this opportunity.

The majority of social sector activities are funded by two sources, […]

Debunking the Myth of Overhead

Choosing which charity to give money to can be a difficult decision. You want your money to go to a worthy cause and to ultimately provide as much impact for your intended recipients as possible. The problem is that in addition to paying for worthy activities like sheltering the homeless or caring for the sick, […]