women in philanthropy

/Tag:women in philanthropy

Women in Philanthropy: How Big is the Problem Really?

After I wrote my last blog voicing my concerns that the social sector is missing an opportunity because women are not fully engaged in philanthropy, I had to wonder how big this problem this really is. In an age when women are receiving more advanced degrees than men, leading companies and organizations, and even running for […]

By |June 23rd, 2015|Uncategorized, Women in Philanthropy|53 Comments

Calling All Women to Philanthropy: We Can Do It!

During World War II, millions of American women were called to action; the war effort needed them to fill traditionally male dominated roles in factories and shipyards.  The effort provided women the opportunity to see they could do men’s work and laid the groundwork for a women’s social movement that is still on-going today.  Now […]

By |May 21st, 2015|Women in Philanthropy|0 Comments